Saturday, December 15, 2007


CUZSix days spent within a community of hundreds of teens from various parts of the globe was truly a great experience…and it was truly a privilege and great honor to be used by God to inspire worship to this group of people.

It was a picturesque moment witnessing these kids letting go off and denying themselves in worship. In the eyes of any human being it was like the usual hysterical moment at any other concerts, but in His eyes it was the kind of a heart-melting show that He is well pleased with.

Every evening our showmanship was jeopardized as we ushered the young crowd to experience genuine worship. It was not just mere music that connects people we were playing; it was a melodic symphony that unites us with the Creator.

In between songs as several challenges were made, seas of teens were seen making commitments to pick up their own cross and carry the call to live a purposefully contagious life especially among their immediate sphere of friends and families. Some were also convicted to get out of their comfort zones to exist as sold out ambassadors for God…leaving behind their old self and starting enthusiastically afresh.

Above all, many of these young lives were liberated and set free during the expressive and yet intimate moment spent with God in worship. It was never about us…not even them…but truly about Him and Him only. For most, the entire experience was totally something fresh. For us…it’s one of the only things we knew what to do best.

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