Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 so far - Daniel

This year have been a wonderful, purposeful and also a bittersweet one. The team has grown older, wiser and fatter, that’s why Neil and me are working out almost everyday now.

Earlier this year, one of our band mates, Mr. TJ Tan, who played the electric guitar left to Australia to further his studies.Just when he left God sent Jude Limus, a talented brother that can play various instruments. God is amazing.

This year we were busy with a lot of recordings, especially planning for next years album. This year we recorded two albums and that is Secret Place, which is our Chinese album and Adoration, which is the instrumental album.

I personally spent a lot of nights just recording and editing, fixing and more recording and editing. We recorded a lot, arranging guitar parts and thinking of ways to make our sound sweeter, bigger and more AWESOME. But one thing that I learnt throughout this tough, muddy, dirty, grueling process was I cannot make the sound in the recording bigger or sweeter or awesome if I depend on my own strength. Philippians 4:13 say I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me. I realized there was a time when I was exhausted and I felt like I cannot go on with the recordings, it was because I depended on my own strength and I did not rely on God.

It is the same with anyone out there; you need to draw strength from God daily. But how do you do that? By just coming to God daily before you start your day in prayer and reading His word. I have to admit there are times I struggle to read His word everyday (I know you guys struggle too) but I make it an effort to meet with Him almost everyday. I'm confident you'll start your day right and also He will provide you sufficient strength, anointing and blessing as well through out the day. God Bless.

Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Briefly - Cuzario

Looking back, 2008 was like a roller-coaster ride for me personally.
There were lotsa ups and downs almost everywhere all the time.

Compared to the year before, there weren't many tours in 2008 but itdoesn't mean we didn't do much this year. What I personally perceive is that God kept us for a season just to prepare us for a greater year ahead.

Through this time of confinement God truly have brought us as a band to really dive in deeper into the ocean floor, understanding a new level of what worship is all about. Finding new revelations about how great God really is was almost like having an incurable brain tumor! Even mind-boggling doesn't come close to describing the magnitude of this God we are serving!

Generally, especially in the 2nd half of the year, we enjoyed our time ministering, empowering, equipping & training a few worship teams from some local churches around the country. Besides, we also prioritized to strengthen our own worship teams at home.

Personally, it was and still is a very emotionally-challenging year for me as relationships with friends turned rocky and all that. Worst, I had to fight with time as God welcomed some (in the last 2 years) of my dearest home to be with Him forever a bit sooner than I
could imagine.

In my brokenness facing the reality of life I'm thankful that
God is still so ever faithful in having so much interest in every area of my imperfect life. I cannot but keep thirsting for more of Him each day. It's His grace that fuels me to lift my heavy feet as I drag my own cross daily knowing that in my weaknesses I'm always made strong. More than often His comforting living Words has never failed to keep me sane and grounded each time unexpected storms came by, which in some desperate moments made me feel as though I'm clinging for my dear life on a sinking boat only to realize He's always there to grab me from sinking deeper into the troubled waters.

Overall, the journey this year wasn't easy at all but definitely rewarding. Surrendering everything to Him is still the best choice and the right thing todo. As I lay here waiting for a better tomorrow, all He's asking me to do is to be still and let God be God! So...I'll just stick to that in obedience. After all, He's the One who's in control over this broken


Monday, December 22, 2008

The year that was 2008 - Jude

Since joining 1a.m. on the 17th Feb 08 ( YES EXACT DATE.. )

My journey has been a most exciting one though its only a short amount of time. I remember being exposed to the different fields of work, like managing an entire academy, to overseeing the whole musical department as music director in training, things I'm not good at, but which 1a.m. had the confidence (or audacity) to entrust me with. But it is by God's grace the academy and music team is still surviving! (insert laughter here)

But really, journeying together with 1a.m. has really broaden my view towards God, from God only being my comfort and provider, to God being BIGGER THAN ALL MY PROBLEMS, and seeing him in a bigger worth. Being my 1st time away from home, often times I go to God for a "home security", which is good cos I i believe he wants us to go to him as often as we are able to.

But as God slowly reveals to me himself more and more, I felt God saying "MY PRESENCE IS BETTER THAN ANY HOME ON EARTH". So kinda like God became bigger than any castle mansion made. God has been so gracious even before I joined 1a.m. and I realized that often times I only acknowledge Him whenever He provides, intervenes in my problems, or when he delivers me from my grief.

Being with 1a.m. has open my eyes in worshipping Him, and honoring him EVEN WHEN HE SEEMS TO BE QUIET, or when things doesn't go MY WAY. God is always in control of everything regardless of different situations that we face. My heart has always been music, playing music, and anything to do with music, and when God gets involved in the music it just makes it even better. I've always wanted to play better, improve in my skills, learn everything possible, JUST so that I can equip myself. But...slowly God change me, as I journey with 1a.m. I now realized doing all the work, practicing 100 hours a day, trying to play faster than that speeding bullet, became secondary as MY HEART WAS MORE IMPORTANT ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE.


This year has been awesome, 1 year flew by without me noticing the red light.

Throughout the year I met many a challenge, most of them made me feel extremely inadequate. I specially remember one of them where my playing styles completely differ from the current band members.. ( I grew up listening to classical, jazz and Prog Metal and music like Japanese pop...yes, worlds apart... ) Everyone was either...rock...or...not-classical-not-jazz-not-metal kinda thing... So a lot of times it was extremely hard for me to gel with them, to play skillfully up to an expectation, ( everyone thought highly of my musicality's apparently ) and being a musician it's hard to change instantly and suck in your pride. But I thank GOD for THE AWESOME journey He hooked me up in '08, for being such an AWESOME GOD, for BEING SO REAL, and walking me me thru all the moments where I felt I'm inadequate, cos that's where i feel him the most. Of course God is slowly changing me as well musically, at least now know jazz is not the band's thing :) ....

I look forward for '09 to come, cos I know God has in store for me MORE AWESOME THINGS that He wants me to experience.

It's been good being a guitarist for God, I regret nothing...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Malaysia's Independence

The independence of Malaysia is different from much of the independence of other countries. What makes it so different? It is a peaceful independence achieved by holding talks with the British. No other country has ever done that before Malaysia. Addtionally, the Malaysian independence was realised by three people with different culture and religion. It is amazing how independence was gained that way. On the glorious day of 31 August 1957, Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman proudly declared the independence of Malaya (now Malaysia) by shouting out "Merdeka" seven times at the Merdeka Stadium.

1a.m. is proud to be Malaysians and we believe that God has great plans for our nation. Please pray for us as we declare our 51st independence day.

Please go to our 1a.m youtube website to view our song “Malaysia Shout Your Praise” and you can download the song for free also at our website at .

God bless

1a.m. team

Friday, August 29, 2008

Malaysia Shouts Your Praise - Music Video/ Testimony

Here is 1a.m's new music video

This just came out last week. A collection of pictures showing what Malaysia's all about. A reminder that we should love our country. God Bless Malaysia!

Testimony of Malaysia Shouts Your Praise

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The story behind the song: Malaysia Shouts Your Praise

The story behind the song: Malaysia Shouts Your Praise


I have met many Malaysians leaving the country for "greener" pastures. While there may be valid reasons for them to migrate, it saddens me whenever I hear negative comments made towards their own country.

They remember very little good or only the bad things that made them leave. That often makes me question myself, "Are we not responsible for our own nation? God cannot be making a mistake by placing us in the nation we were born in. If we leave, then who is going to reach this nation for Jesus?"

Many of us have forgotten that God has a purpose for placing us in a certain country. We often complain about the ills and forget the great things He has done in our country. We must believe that God is sovereign and HE can transform our nation.

We need to stir our hearts to love and begin to pray for our nation that God will bring revival to our streets, towns, cities, state and our country. Let us stand together united in ONE ACCORD and declare "Every Nation Shouts God's Praise."

I pray that the song will bless and inspire you to pray for your own nation.

God bless

Kelvin Lim
1a.m. director

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Loving God Part 2

Loving God Part 2


When growing up, let’s say between 4yrs to 10yrs old, have you ever felt that you will be taken care off for the rest of your life by your parents.

- no need to buy food, clothes

- Shelter/Protection, Money, ETC…

Not that my parents never spoke about me living independently, its just that I was so loved that I never thought about it.

But as we grow older, REALITY checks-in

- Parents don’t live forever. There only on earth for a while.

- Parents stop providing at 18 (Well does not technically apply for all but it was for me

But you know what?

Praise God that we have a God Yesterday, Today and Forever

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Continuing from what God spoke to me about loving HIM (Loving God), I felt God challenged me in 3 things base on the verse:-

1) Think of the God of Yesterdays but DON’T love Him like Yesterday

I say this because I believe God deserves the best everyday in terms of our love, our devotion, etc

· Let’s not love God with leftovers of yesterdays love. Remember Him and love Him more.

Ps 25:6 Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love,
for they are from of old

2) Think of who God is Today and love Him more.

· How do we do this? By doing things better all for the glory of His name.

For example: - If you think you worked better than yesterday with what you did, then challenge yourself to do better today. Even if you go beyond your daily routine, then do it all for Him, for His glory.

Ps 59:16 But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.

3) Think of what God does Tomorrow (Forever). So be Excited

Ps 100:5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

· Everyday is an opportunity to meet God. So be excited on what is God going to do and speak in your life

I am challenged, what about you?


Monday, May 5, 2008

Road to Next Level: - Simplicity – Fallen Branch Thought

Road to Next Level: - Simplicity – Fallen Branch Thought

MilkyWayRoad_landolfiHave you ever seen or heard of a branch that came off a tree, rooted itself on the ground and became fruitful? If you had, please email me at e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , HeHeHe

Anyway, I was reminded of the story in the bible when Jesus spoke about “The Vine and the Branches” on John 15.

You see, we dream about great things taking place, talk about “how to accomplish a dream?” or “See a vision come to pass” but you tell me, do you think that we will be able to see what we dream, what we envision to come to pass by not doing what is simple and that is to be connected to the Father?

What do I mean by connected? Does it mean…

- Read the bible 1 week ago and do Gods call?

- Hear the word of God once a month at church, read the bible whenever I feel and do Gods call?

- Pray today and pray only when reminded?


This is what Jesus said,

John 15:5-8

5I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

Well I don’t read the bible almost everyday but I make an effort to read it everyday. Remaining in Him does not necessarily mean read the bible everyday but I guess it simply means this –

Do we start the day thinking about God in whatever our agenda maybe?

In what ever we do, are we connected with Him whether reading, prayer, humility, submission, etc

Our Next Level is around the corner and to do so is to do the simple things first which is “BE CONNECTED”

This may sound easy but its not. Sometimes the simple things are the hardest to do but I believe once you get a hang of it, it would be smooth sailing.




God painted a picture in my head some time ago where I see a bottle, a bottle that is no obvious defect or abnormalities and the bottle that I saw was filled with fresh water. At first glance, you won’t find anything wrong with it then until the bottle was turned upside down. Then I start to see a drip, a small drip and it started to become bigger drips.

When I saw that picture, it’s like God is reminding me the state of our spiritual life as a band and as a person. Sometimes we think our bottle is full , thinking that our spiritual life is strong, not realizing that there’s a leakage at the bottom of the bottle that is slowly leaking out, sometimes we are unaware and sometimes we are just plain ignorant of the fact that our bottle is leaking.

This is what happened when we do not constantly check our lives, thinking everything is alright without realizing that our spiritual level is low or sometimes even empty and yet we are still ignorant of what is happening. Sometimes our leakage is too small that even we won’t realize it; sometimes we need someone else to tell us that is leaking because sometimes at first glance, we think that everything is alright.

God showed me this picture to remind us that we have to constantly check ourselves, making sure we have no leakage in our spiritual lives and we need to take actions to patch it up if we have been shown or convicted of the leakage that has been happening.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

From the desk of 1a.m. director

From the desk of 1a.m. director

2007 has been a wonderful & fruitful year for 1a.m., we went to 3 different nations which were U.A.E, New Zealand and Philippines. We also ministered in many different states in our own country, Malaysia.

What was more fruitful was to hear many testimonies of how God has transform their lives and now they found freedom in serving & worshipping God in a greater measure. Having an extended family all over the world is such a blessing. Truly “WORSHIP BRINGS CHANGE” in every area of our lives.

Our church ECF began 2008 with dedicating a fast of 7 days to the Lord. To seek His face and to know what is the direction that God wants us as a church to head towards. As directors of 1a.m. with Pastor Cathryn, we both felt God wants 1a.m. to reach the potential that God has for us. 2 things I felt God spoke to me. Firstly what is 1a.m’s life message? Secondly 2 strong words SPIRIT & SUBSTANCE.

In summary 1a.m. life message is Worship Brings Change. So can worship really bring change? Yes only through His Holy Spirit and gaining spiritual SUBSTANCE in our life.

This is the 1st journal of many journals as I journey and understand what the Lord is revealing to me. I pray that it will minister & bless you to keep you wanting to know more about what God is doing in 1a.m.

Loving God

Fathersl love

Have you ever been in a relationship where you have been asked one of the toughest questions like “Honey, why do you love me?” Some of us find it hard to reply back. Some of us sweat blood just by thinking really hard. Some of us simply say “Because I love you” which in some cases is just too general for the recipient.

What about proving your love to the person? How do you prove your love? I remember one of my friends answered “by doing the 5 love languages”. I was like, “ok… which one?” and he said nothing after that and we just laughed.

I’m sure some of us went through the things I just mentioned. I know I did. Tongue out

What about when it comes to God? How do you respond to “why do you love God?” To be honest, my response to that would be “because of what He’s done on the cross, because He loved us first”. There are many ways to answer this question. A lot of us having a similar respond.

But how do we prove our love to God? Well its not that we don’t know but I guess for me when I picked up my bible and read John 14:15

“If you love me, you will obey what I command”

It was a reminder for me.

How many of us do remember showing our love to God? More than words, does our action, even the decisions that we make reflect our love for God or is it just mere words hitting in the air?

One morning (it’s was a holiday) I woke up with a burden to follow up on those people I know. Normally I’d bum around my house doing nothing but that day was different. I decided to make a couple of calls, text people to see how everyone’s doing.
One of the plans I made was to go to a campus and meet up with a guy to help jump start his journey with God. (You have to understand that this guy just recently received Christ.)
So there I was, called 2 of my friends to join me fellowship but one couldn’t make it because his lunch break was an hour earlier then the time set-up and the other got stuck at home with his family to eat lunch.
All of a sudden an open door to “back-out” or “pull-out” of the meeting with the guy in the campus was opened causing me to shrink back and just stay at home but before I could shrink any further I was reminded about John 14:15.

I got myself together took my bible materials called for a cab and went to the campus and the rest of the story is all for God’s Glory!

To love God is to do what God has called you to do. Now if you’ve forgotten what God has called you to do or have been ignoring it, wake up!

God loves us no matter what and it’s only right to love Him back ;)


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April moving forward

How is everyone doing? Well we're in our 2nd quarter of the year.

We're still in our season of taking a break on touring but as June approaches we're getting ready to kick-off our tour which is "Worship Brings Change Tour" More details will be posted up including tour dates as well.

PRAY with us as we head to towards this journey, including for open doors in other Nations.

We are also in a process of recording our 3rd album - all I can say is that its different, so keep us in prayers.

On the mean time, enjoy reading our Blogs posted up every week.

God bless


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Shining as Stars

Shining as Stars


Ever wondered why do people complain so much? Maybe it’s because they think they are better? Maybe they think that they know more? Maybe they think that they don’t deserve what they are going through now. Maybe it’s because our human nature that is in us that makes complaining so natural. Come to think of it complaining has become part of our life so much we don’t even realize it when we complain. Can you agree to that?

Have you ever been in a situation where you complained? I’m sure everyone has, including me. Pause for a while and think this thought: what is our reaction when we complain? What happens when we complain, and what are the consequences? It goes no where right?

Now there are two possible reactions:

- The Human Nature

- The Godly Nature

The human nature is very obvious. We keep complaining and complaining but we never do anything about the situation we complain about. In the end, nothing gets done and things continue to go wrong.

Whereas the Godly nature is found in the book of Philippians 2:14 – 15,

“Do everything without complaining or arguing,

so that you may become blameless and pure,

children of God without fault in a crocked and depraved

generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe”.

The word of God clearly states that in everything we do, we do not complain nor argue. WHY not you may ask? In verse 15 it says that “so we may become blameless and pure”.

“WHY do we want to become blameless and pure then?” you may ask again. Well, imagine the stars you see at night. What do they do? Stars basically SHINE. They are bright, they are public, and they are noticeable. When people see stars (us as Christians), they see a blameless, pure star. Don’t you agree that we can really be influential that way? Don’t you think people would want to know more of why we do what we do when they see a difference in us?

The word of God also states that we may be of “without fault in a crocked and depraved generation”. This relates to the 1st point above, that when we are a blameless and pure star, in a very dark universe, in a generation where it is crocked and depraved, we shine out brightly without fault, with the identity that we are indeed Children of God.

So if we are in a situation in our life that’s really down on the dumps, just remember that we are to shine like stars, and that we persevere in our life without complaining or arguing, so that we may be blameless, pure, and without fault in the dark sky!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jude's Testimony

Jude's Testimony


I was serving in my church back in K.K, Sabah ( the best place to live! ) and I though that I served without much complaint, I thought that I gave God my all, and that I gave him all that I have. But as the years went by, I felt that it was getting a bit boring for me, I felt really complacent, and in the end I felt that it became a routine for me. I wasn’t improving musically and definitely not improving spiritually.

Then one day I came across a verse from John 4:23, which went like:

“And the time will come when TRUE WORSHIPERS will come and worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, for these are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks"

It hit me then, coz’ I did not feel that way, I felt that I wasn’t a true worshiper, and I wanted to understand more of being a true worshiper, I wanted to know what does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth. I wanted to change myself. Thus the search began

I heard of 1a.m and their ministries years ago when they 1st came to K.K back in the year 2001, coz’ they were doing some workshops and stuff like that. They came again at 2007, and one thing that caught me was their PASSION. I saw a passion in them that reflected in their worship, in their lifestyle, in their actions but I couldn’t really piece out what it was. Then during a Sunday service 1a.m led a worship session, and right after that I felt something different in me. I felt changed! I felt that I wanted MORE of God. Then I understood the vision that 1a.m has: WORSHIP BRINGS CHANGE. So I thought, I wanted THAT, and I wanted to be with a group of people whose heart is to worship, and inspire worship as well.

So I fasted and prayed to God, asking Him for his plans and His will to be done in me, coz’ I really wanted to change. So one day one of the 1a.m members came up to me and asked me if I would consider joining 1a.m. I KNEW that God answered my prayers! Eventually I said yes, and now I’m serving together with 1a.m, and it’s been a blast.

I know in my heart that I can live a lifestyle of the vision that worship really does bring change together with 1a.m, and really to understand how to become a true worshiper is really my worship to God changes me inside out, and I’m still changing today.

Jude joined 1a.m on Feb 17, 2008.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Are YOU Fresh?

Neil3Are YOU Fresh?

Are you Fresh? Ok, lets rephrase that into “do we keep ourselves fresh” or “what keeps us fresh?” or “ what refreshes us?”

This blog was meant to be out a fews months back during one of our church worship team practice. So this is what happened.

We had our band practice with the 3rd team where every week we practice on how to “move prophetically” in the spirit during songs. We aren’t there yet but have seen and heard a lot of improvements over the months of just “moving in faith” in this area.

Well I can’t really explain much of how and what we do during practice but I can tell you testimonies where people (musicians and singers) during our practice are just “refreshed” after a long day of work through worship.

It was a confirmation for what God has placed in my heart after hearing every ones heart through a prophetic song or a word (testimony)

It was when we were singing “Majesty” by Delirious? that I began to sing words such as “Humbled by your grace so free, humbled by your love so free, humbled by your power, awesomeness… etc…” These are words that we normally hear or read of everyday, every week through times when you have your devotion on your own or fellowship with your friends, and you know what? Though we’ve heard them over and over again, it never fails to amaze us, strengthen us, encourage us, rebuke us, build us, refresh us.

We can read the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation and read the whole thing again from cover to cover and still get something new out of it. Why? Coz His words are alive, It never fails to amaze us!

I was reminded of a story in the book of John which spoke about Nathanael’s encounter with Jesus :-

48"How do you know me?" Nathanael asked.
Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you."

49Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel."

50Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You shall see greater things than that."

Nathanael was "blown away" during his encounter with Jesus.

What is it that God amazes you? What "Blows" your mind?What is it that God has “told” you today through His word, His Love? There maybe a lot of things that He may have told you that had left you standing amazed but let me tell you this… “You’ve not seen anything yet

Just like Jesus Said "You shall see greater things than that".

For now…. I encourage you to hear from God and allow yourselves to be amazed by Him.


Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

A new year, a new start. We have no idea what the year has in stored but we know God does.

We'll make sure that we'll keep you updated in whatever God has been doing in our lives,devotion, ministry, tours, etc.

We're excited. Hope you are too!
