Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 6

Date : 6 May

Day : Sunday

Service : A prayer for every nation was prayed for by each person who represented their home country. There was a “Haka” dance and an interpretation dance – that showed the message that 1 heartbeat, a pulse that signifies life, can beat and cause others to come to life, too. We sang the NZ national anthem. It was interesting to note that the lyrics are very Christian! Then there were also prayers and prophecies by the pastors for the church. Finally, there was the dedication of the church and breaking up into groups to pray for the church and the nations.

PC and Kel led in a prophetic worship for the nations .

R & R : After the service, we took refuge at Ray & Gloria’s house. The guys had some fish & chips and barbecued mussels. Boy, are we blessed! PC and Lisa fasted, though. ;p

Word : Exodus 33:12-20 We came back to church and set up. Some of them were late because they got lost walking. PC & Lisa practiced what we learned from Pastor Bob – praying the scriptures. They are very powerful. They prayed that God will draw people into worship and encountering Him.

Challenge : soundcheck took forever – a problem with Kel’s laptop. It was giving problems. There’s no lighting – just white light. We worked with whatever we had.

Line up : The Anthem, Singing & Living, Take it All, My Father, Secret Place, MY God Is So Big, All I Wanna Do, Dive In, sold Out, You Are All/Lift The Name, Reprise, Dive In.

PC shared about the message of True Worship Matt 26:6-13, about the prostitute’s attitude. During All I Wanna do, there was the blessed draw and for Dive In, there were giveaways. You could tell that people were really enjoying themselves and letting loose – FREEDOM!!!

Concert : we were very thankful that some of the people that we invited, actually turned up. It was great to see that they were also joining in. According to one of the leaders, there was quite a famous Christian band that came just before we did and only about 60+ people turned up, but for our concert, God drew about 150 people. Praise God! It certainly wasn’t our doing. ;p

The atmosphere was totally different after the concert. There was the liberation of the people, they jumped and danced! People started opening up – people were inspired and began to see that there is freedom when you worship. We realize that due to their culture, they weren’t free; that there is another level worship, which is engaging in the Spirit. It was fruitful.

Many came to us later and shared that they had never been so free to worship God ever in their lives before. This is their first time. The Lord used us as what Isaiah 61:1 says “To proclaim liberty to the captives”. That is what exactly what we can see they felt, free from what was holding them back.

Fun : Supper at Denny’s. We had a great time, fellowshipping. Neil did some magic tricks. Paul and Tanya did some games. Relationships and friendships were strengthened, especially with Jody, Paul, Tanya, Brad, Sian, James, Ray and all the people in the worship team.

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